Baltic Travel Partner is the "international" DMC in the Baltics. We are pan-baltic in the true meaning of the word and through our extensive experience internationally and in The Baltic States since 1996, we have in-depth knowledge of the local culture and local challenges which may cause some hurdles along the way.
We are regarded as "different" and it is with a certain pride we confirm, "Yes, we are different!". We practise a typically flat Scandinavian managment style and give our employees great responsibilities, trust and personal development opportunities. We have a big focus on "having fun"! If our employees are happy and loving their job, they will provide the very best service to your clients.
Another key philosophy of ours is that no products or services will be sold by BTP before it has passed our internal quality control. In practise this means that we, "the Norwegians", are to try all and everything before it is accepted into our product cataloge. For us this means that we have slept in many hotels, eaten a lot of great (and disgusting) foods, experienced the most relaxing massages, driven rally cars and shot with machine guns. We have eaten kilos and kilos of chocolate and marzipan and drunk gallons and gallons of beer, wine and champage - some perks do come with the job description! (However, we do share them with our fantastic team members).
But what does it all mean? It simply means that when we come with our recommendations, they are based on experiences and not on which restaurant gives the travel agent or guide a grey envelope with kick-back as thanks for sending the group to the restaurant (yes, it does in fact happen...). The restaurants, hotels or activities on offer represent a certain quality that we can vouch for. By selecting BTP as your DMC, your clients are guaranteed to have good experiences, while you will receive the credit and hopefully also the return business!
We hope to get a chance to prove to you what this cheeky DMC is all about!